East Hill Christian School > Events
15 events found.
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Basketball vs Grace and Glory
East Hill Christian School 1301 E Gonzalez St, PensacolaJV 4:00 PMGirls 5:00 PMVarsity 6:30 PM
Basketball @ Covenant
2350 Frankford Ave Panama CityJV 4:00 PMGirls 5:00 PMVarsity 6:30 PM
Basketball vs Lighthouse Baptist
East Hill Christian School 1301 E Gonzalez St, PensacolaJV 4:00 PMGirls 5:00 PMVarsity 6:30 PM
Basketball @ Atmore Chrisitan
245 Tennant Dr AtmoreJV 5:00 PMGirls 6:00 PMVarsity 7:30 PMJoin with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/jdt-nvfm-itwOr dial: (US) +1 951-472-2360 PIN: 153991778#Learn more about Meet at: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720
Jingle All the Way Day
Click HERE for bell schedule. It is the sheel labeled "assembly day - 50 min classes" along the bottom
SGA Donut Fundraiser – Gonzalez Campus
SGA will be selling donuts before school to fundraise for their various events throughout the year. All purchases will be charged through the student's FACTS account.